Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day Ten - I Like Balance

Just to balance out some of my "negativity" regarding the iClone pricing thing, I'd just like to say that after taking a bit of a look around there is a glimmer of hope.

As Ken pointed out, there are alternatives to Reallusion's Content Store. One such is CoolClones and I have to say that after taking a closer look at it, I can happily report that they seem to have a better idea of costs (in general) than the official site. In fact, I found some stuff on there that I think I will buy very soon, and I don't expect I'll need to take out a loan to pay for it!

Also, I'd just like to say that Reallusion aren't a bad company. Quite the opposite, really. Sure, they charge too much for content (and don't supply enough basic stuff for my liking), but they certainly go a long way towards balancing that out by LISTENING to their customers (do you hear that, Lionhead??)

You only have to hang out at the Reallusion forums for a short while to see what I mean. First of all we have Peter Edwards, who is (I believe) the official rep for Reallusion on the forums. And man, does he do a great job (I'm not just saying that, I really mean it). It seems that he reads EACH and EVERY post, and responds to virtually EVERY complaint in both a timely manner, and a respectful, helpful way as well. It really is a nice change to the LH forums (towards the end, anyway).

Throw in the fact that Reallusion TAKE USER SUGGESTIONS SERIOUSLY, and you have a winning combination. They recently posted a list of upcoming improvements to iClone, many of which (maybe even all of them) came originally from the users. One of my suggestions even made the list! (Make Camera Visible - Next Version)

So there you go. Hope springs eternal. Maybe they'll take my ranting about prices to heart one day. I can only hope!

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