Friday, March 20, 2009

Day Four - Just One Week Ago

Just one week ago, Cosmo didn't wake up. It's a funny way of saying "he died", though it obviously means the same thing. I guess it's the politically correct, or sensitive, way to say it. Anyway, that's not what I want to talk about.

The two pictures in this blog are the only ones we saw of him before meeting and subsequently adopting him. As you can see from the one above, he was a skinny thing. I think that picture was taken shortly after the original "rescuers" found him on the side of the road. They soon discovered he suffered from heart worm (which used to be fatal just a few years ago). Six months of treatment later, isolated in the foster family garage in a large cage, he came out looking like the picture below. As you can see, he was a very handsome boy.

Knowing nothing of his past, they called him Hercules, or Herc for short. A nice name for a big dog, but not one we wanted to use. So we set about thinking up an appropriate name for him.

Spock was one I came up with, and for about 3 or 4 hours that was his name. But it didn't really seem right. Then I guess while watching Seinfeld, we came up with the name Cosmo, after the character Kramer (if you watch the show you know what I mean). It really did seem to suit him. Cosmo was crazy (both of them!) and yet endearing (OK, Kramer might have lost his shine after a certain incident, but you can't win 'em all!)

Just one week ago...

Both my wife and I agree that it feels a lot longer.

1 comment:

  1. The good memories will always be there, mate, and the pain will eventually fade to a dull ache. Larger than life pets (and Cos certainly qualifed for that!) always leave a gaping hole that only time can fill; people who don't own animals and have never had the anguish of losing one don't realise that they become as much a part of the family as any human... and even moreso, in a lot of cases.
