Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Star Wars: Uncut

Star Wars: Uncut Trailer from Casey Pugh on Vimeo.

I recently saw this in passing in a yahoo news article, then more recently a new member of TMU mentioned it on the forums, and I thought, "Why not!"

To quote the post (quoting the site):

"Hello! You and 472 other people have the chance to recreate Star Wars: A New Hope. Below is the entire movie split up into 15 second clips. Click on one of the scenes to claim it, film it, and upload it. You can have up to three scenes! When we're all done, we'll stitch it all together and watch the magic happen."

Well, I have! And I think it'd be great to see more machinima entries in it, too. I have no idea how many people are already working on this, so it'd be cool if you could let me know here!

Check out the site: http://www.starwarsuncut.com/

Note: They've made use of Vimeo to host the videos, and the result is fairly simple and effective.

So... why not come to the Dark Side and give it a try!!


  1. My scene is at: http://www.vimeo.com/5725742

    Mine's not machinima, I used a combination of live action models (the ship), photos / images, animated in 2d. It does feature one Moviestorm guy though. :)

    Can't wait to see what you do!
